Zangmeester Matthæus Pipelare
In short, Pipelare’s striking personality becomes apparent through hearing and analysing his masses rather than from the meagre details of his life. It is as if he redefines polyphonic composition with each work, rather than reverting to the tried and tested as say Jakob Obrecht did. There is nothing immediately recognisable, nothing that sounds even vaguely familiar, nothing can be categorised, rather everything sounds new, fresh, lively – wilfully individual!

Matthaeus Pipelare (ca. 1450 – ca. 1515)
Missa Dicit Dominus
Missa Pour entretenir mes amours
Missa L’homme armé
Missa Fors seulement
the sound and the fury
David Erler countertenor
John Potter tenor
Christian Wegmann tenor
Hans Jörg Mammel tenor
Michael Mantaj bass
Joachim Höchbauer bass
« paradise regained » – renaissance polyphonie
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