Le Ray au Soleyl
The 14th century, a period of musical novelties and experimentations, finishes with a firework, a flowering of subtle, exciting and refined polyphonies. This art, a ripe fruit of the middle ages culture, was promoted, produced and loved at Giangaleazzo Visconti’s Court, the main centre of cultural connection between Italy and France. The ensemble «la fonte musica» seizes the atmosphere of this highly modern and fascinating period on their debut recording.

Niccolò da Perugia (2nd half 14th cent.)
La fiera testa
Filippotto da Caserta (2nd half 14th cent.)
En attendant
Bartolino da Padova (ca. 1365 – 1405)
Alba colonba
Anonym (1360?)
Paolo da Firenze (2nd half 14th cent. – 1419)
Soufrir m’estuet
Matteo da Perugia (1rst quarter 15th cent.)
Ne me chaut
Anthonello da Caserta (ca. 1400) · Matteo da Perugia (1rst quarter 15th cent.)
Più chiar che’l sole
Anonym (2nd half 14th cent.)
Di vertù vidi
Johannes Ciconia (ca. 1370 – 1411)
Le ray au soleyl
Sus un’ fontayne
Una panthera
Johannes de Janua (ca. 1400)
Ma douce amour
Jaquet de Noyon (ca. 1388 – 15. Jh.) · Johannes Simon Hasprois (ca. 1378-1428)
Puisque je sui fumeux
Jacob de Senleches (ca. 1378 – 1395)
La harpe de melodie
Anthonello da Caserta (ca. 1400)
Del glorioso titolo
la fonte musica
Michele Pasotti lute & conductor
Alena Dantcheva cantus
Francesca Cassinari cantus
Gianluca Ferrarini tenor
Thomas Baeté fiedel
Efix Puleo fiedel
Marco Domenichetti recorder
Marta Graziolino harp
Ermes Giussani slide trumpet
fb 6001133
EAn code 4260307431334