«FROBERGER’S TRACES» – Johannes M. Bogner
«Wolte gern das Memento mori Froberger … schlagen, so guet mir müglich were. Ist schwer aus den Notten zu finden. Habe es mit sonder Fleis darum betracht, wiewol es deutlich geschrieben … Wer die Sachen nit von ihme Hern Froberger seliger gelernet, unmüglich mit rechter Discretion zuschlagen, wie er sie geschlagen hat. Der liebe Gott gebe das wir alle Music liebhabende uns bei ihme im himlischen Musenchor ergötzen megen. Amen.» (Brief der Sibylla von Württemberg an Constantin Huygens, 24. Oktober 1667)
«I should like to play the Memento mori Froberger as well as I can. It is very is difficult to discover the music only from the notation. I have studied it with extreme studiousness even though the notation is clearly written. Whoever has not learned the pieces from the late Herr Froberger himself, cannot cinvincingly play them with true discretion, as he played them. May God Almighty grant that we music lovers may all delight ourselves in the choir of the muses in heaven with him. Amen.» (Letter by Sibylla von Württemberg to Constantijn Huygens, October 24th 1667)

«FROBERGER’S TRACES» – Johannes M. Bogner
Johannes M. Bogner clavichord
fb 1703213
EAN code 4260307432133
1 CD