barrocade – notte di tempesta (handel – vivaldi)
Virtuosity in the late Baroque period was an intricate issue. On the one hand, its outward appearance is simple: the public attending the opera or a concert demanded to be overwhelmed by performers’ technique. On the other hand, virtuosity served as a vehicle for profound drama; it provided imitation (of natural phenomena such as birds or storms, or instruments attempting to sound like voices and vice versa) and it often revealed composers’ command over their craft. Supplying tailor-made arias for a star singer or concertos for a gifted performer, composers were often expected to demand all the special effects and tricks that performers had up their sleeve. For Handel and Vivaldi, such circumstances did not hinder inspiration.
barrocade – notte di tempesta (handel – vivaldi)
Im Spätbarock war Virtuosität schwer zu definierenden. Einerseits ist ihr äußerliches Erscheinungsbild recht simpel: Ob in Oper oder Konzert, das Publikum sollte durch die Technik der Interpreten überwältigt werden. Andererseits diente die Virtuosität zur Verstärkung tiefgreifender Dramatik. Virtuosität unterstützte die Imitation (von Naturgeräuschen wie Vogelstimmen und Stürmen und ließ Instrumente wie Singstimmen klingen oder umgekehrt) und offenbarte die Fertigkeit des Komponisten in dieser Kunst. Mit der Aufgabe, maßgeschneiderte Arien für einen Star oder Concerti für einen begnadeten Instrumentalisten zu schreiben, waren die Komponisten gefordert, Effekte und Kunststücke, die der Interpret in seinem Köcher hatte, in die Komposition einzubauen. Für Händel und Vivaldi bedeutete dies keine Einschränkung im Ausleben ihrer Inspiration.

the israeli baroque collective
Claire Meghnagi
Shai Kribus
oboe | recorder
fb 1604372
1 CD
EAN 4260307433710
released in June 2016
George Frideric Handel (1685 – 1759)
[ 1 ] «Da tempeste» 06 : 09
Aria from «Giulio Cesare in Egitto» HWV 17 (1724)
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 – 1741)
Concerto for Recorder in g minor «La Notte» RV 43
[ 2 ] Largo 01 : 46
[ 3 ] Fantasmi. Presto 00 : 50
[ 4 ] Largo 01 : 09
[ 5 ] Presto 00 : 55
[ 6 ] Largo («Il Sonno») 01 : 44
[ 7 ] Allegro 02 : 09
George Frideric Handel (1685 – 1759)
[ 8 ] «Will the sun forget to streak» 06 : 18
Aria from «Solomon» HWV 67 (1749)
[ 9 ] «Che non può la gelosia» 03 : 46
Aria from «Aci, Galatea e Polifemo» HWV 72 (1708)
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 – 1741)
Concerto for Oboe in C major RV 447
[ 10 ] Allegro non molto 05 : 03
[ 11 ] Larghetto 03 : 53
[ 12 ] Minuetto 06 : 21
George Frideric Handel (1685 – 1759)
[ 13 ] «Qui l’augel da pianta in pianta» 10 : 34
Aria from «Aci, Galatea e Polifemo» HWV 72 (1708)
[ 14 ] «Vo’ far Guerra» 05 : 56
Aria from «Rinaldo» HWV 7 (1711)
Claire Meghnagi
Following a series of successful debuts at the world’s most prestigious concert venues, Claire Meghnagi has established herself as one of the most exciting voices to emerge from Israel in recent years and is in particular demand for her interpretations of music from the baroque and classical eras.
Shai Kribus
At the young age of 25, Shai Kribus follows an extensive international career, performing regularly at the foremost venues worldwide. On both the oboe and the recorder he performs as a soloist, a chamber musician and a principal player in a wide variety of early music orchestras.
see also «palpiti del cuore»
Founded in 2007, the Israeli ensemble Barrocade established itself as one of the unique and fresh voices on the Early Music scene. Its language of playing and singing is often described as vivid, graceful and full of humor and surprises. In addition to its successful concert series, the ensemble is often invited to perform at festivals abroad.
Da tempeste
Da tempeste il legno infranto,
se poi salvo giunge in porto,
non sa più che desiar.
Così il cor tra pene e pianto,
or che trova il suo conforto,
torna l’anima a bear.
Will the sun forget to streak
Will the sun forget to streak
Eastern skies with amber ray,
When the dusky shades to break
He unbars the gates of day?
Then demand if Sheba’s queen
E’er can banish from her thought All the splendour she has seen,
All the knowledge thou hast taught.
Che non può la gelosia
Che non può la gelosia
quando un core
arde d’amore,
e per gioco amar non sa?
Lo può dir l’anima mia,
che un momento di contento
non sa quando aver potrà.
Qui l’augel da pianta in pianta
Qui l’augel da pianta in pianta,
lieto vola, dolce canta
cor che langue a lusingar.
Ma si fa cagion di duolo
sol per me che afflitto e solo,
pace, oh Dio! non so trovar.
Vo’ far guerra, e vincer voglio
Vo’ far guerra, e vincer voglio,
Collo sdegno chi m’offende
Vendicar i torti miei.
Per abbatter quel orgoglio,
Ch’il gran foco i sen m’accende,
Saran meco gli stessi dei.
Vo‘ far guerra, e vincer voglio, ecc.
Wenn das Schiff, vom Seesturm zerbrochen
Wenn das Schiff, vom Seesturm zerbrochen
noch heil den Hafen erreicht,
bleibt nichts mehr zu wünschen.
Genau so fand mein Herz nach Qualen und Tränen
wieder seinen Trost,
es ist wieder glücklich.
Säumt der Sonne Morgenlicht
Säumt der Sonne Morgenlicht
Je in seinem Sphärenlauf?
Wenn der mächt’ge Nebel bricht,
Wirft das Tor des Tags sie auf: So tragt Sabas Königin
Ewig treu in Herz und Sinn
All den Glanz, der ihr erschien,
All die Huld, die du verliehn.
Was wird die Eifersucht ausrichten
Was wird die Eifersucht ausrichten
in einem Herz,
das von Liebe brennt,
sich dem Spiel der Liebe nicht hingeben kann?
Meine Seele kann nicht sagen,
wann sie einen Moment
der Zufriedenheit
erleben wird.
Wo der Vogel von Baum zu Baum
Wo der Vogel von Baum zu Baum
glücklich fliegt, singt er ein süßes Lied
dem sehnsüchtigen Herzen zu schmeichlen.
Mir allerdings bringt das Lied Schmerzen,
trauig und einsam, wie ich bin,
Frieden, oh Gott, kann ich nicht finden.
Ich will bekriegen und besiegen
Ich will bekriegen und besiegen
alle jene, die mich beleidigten
und mein Unrecht rächen.
Die Götter werden mir beistehen
den Hochmut zu bestrafen
der großes Feuer in mir entfacht hat.
When a ship, shaken in a storm
When a ship, shaken in a storm,
reaches safly the harbour,
there is no more to be desired.
So my heart after its suffering and crying,
finds comfort,
happiness is back to my soul.
Will the sun forget to streak
Will the sun forget to streak
Eastern skies with amber ray,
When the dusky shades to break
He unbars the gates of day?
Then demand if Sheba’s queen
E’er can banish from her thought All the splendour she has seen,
All the knowledge thou hast taught.
What can’t jealousy do?
What can’t jealousy do
when a heart burns with love
and does not know how to love lightly?
My soul can attest that,
for it does not see
when it has a moment’s contentment.
Here the bird flies happily from tree to tree
Here the bird flies happily from tree to tree
sweetly singing
to alarm the heart that languishes.
But it becomes a cause of sadness
for me who,
afficted and alone oh God, cannot find peacefulness.
Gods an men will justly aid me
Gods an men will justly aid me,
to revenge a wrong so great,
till the wretch that has betray’d me,
shall repent the guilt too late.
The gods themselves will succor me
to crush the pride
who brougt endless fire in my bosom.
Gods an men will justly aid me ect.