BACH MIRRORED – Maurizio Croci (harpsichord | organ)
Parallel Preludes, Fantasias & Fugue
In the development of Johann Sebastian Bach’s genius, musical ideas often migrated from one instrument to another, transforming and transfiguring themselves before acquiring a definitive form. The organ and harpsichord pieces presented in this recording mirror each other. Following the same musical inspiration, Bach explores the idioms and technical possibilities of both instruments, often evoking on one instrument the idiom of the other.

BACH MIRRORED – Maurizio Croci (harpsichord | organ)
Andrea Restelli (2012) after Hieronymus Albrecht Hass (1723)
Lower manual : 8’, 8’, 4’ (playable also on the upper manual), lute.
Upper Manual : 8’
Johann Melchior Grob (1787) – Jürgen Ahrend (1993) – Temple of Payerne
fb 1611911
1 CD
EAN 4260307431914
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
[ 1-2 ] Praeludium & Fuga in D, BWV 532
[ 3 ] Praelude in C, BWV 545a
[ 4-5 ] Praeludium & Fuga in a, BWV 543
[ 6-7 ] Fantasia & Fuga in g, BWV 542
[ 8-9 ] Fantasia Chromatica & Fuga in d, BWV 903
[ 10 ] Fantasia & Fuga in a, BWV 944
[ 11 ] Praeludium in C, BWV 870b
[ 12 ] Toccata in D, BWV 912